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Welcome to Tech Fury, where innovation meets passion to drive the digital future. We are not just an IT company; we are a force of technology enthusiasts dedicated to pushing boundaries and unlocking possibilities

Contact Info
Housing Colony Bypass
Sheikhupura, Pakistan

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Building a Robust and Scalable Marketing Talent Matching Platform for Independents.ai


Robust Platform

Before partnering with us, Independents.ai faced several significant challenges. The most pressing was the need for a robust platform capable of supporting their unique business model. The existing platform was inadequate, and they needed a solution that could not only meet current demands but also scale with future growth. The shortcomings of their previous system hindered their ability to effectively manage and expand their operations, necessitating a comprehensive overhaul. They required a new platform that would not only address their immediate needs but also be flexible enough to accommodate evolving business requirements and scale seamlessly as their user base and service offerings grew.

Migration of vast amounts of data

Technical challenges included the migration of vast amounts of data from their current platform to the newly designed infrastructure. Additionally, integrating a payment gateway that could accommodate the diverse nature of talent seekers and service providers presented another layer of complexity. This migration process involved ensuring data integrity and consistency while transitioning to the new system, which required meticulous planning and execution. Moreover, the payment gateway integration needed to support various payment methods and currencies to cater to a global audience, adding a further level of complexity to the project. Addressing these technical challenges successfully was crucial for delivering a robust and reliable freelancing platform.

requirment gathering

Requirement Gathering

Our approach to solving Independents.ai's challenges was comprehensive and strategic. We began with a detailed feasibility report to ensure the proposed solutions were viable and aligned with their business goals. The project was executed through an agile development methodology, which allowed us to be flexible and responsive to any changes or feedback during the processOur approach to solving Independents.ai's challenges was comprehensive and strategic. We began with a detailed feasibility report to ensure the proposed solutions were viable and aligned with their business goals. The project was executed through an agile development methodology, which allowed us to be flexible and responsive to any changes or feedback during the process.

Life Cycle of development

  • Design: We created data mapping and wireframes that provided a clear blueprint for the platform’s functionality and user experience.
  • Software Infrastructure: Our team built a scalable, secure, and efficient software infrastructure capable of handling large volumes of data and transactions.
  • Development: We developed the platform with robust features that cater to both service seekers and providers, including seamless payment integration
  • Deployment: The platform was deployed successfully, with all functionalities thoroughly tested and validated.
  • Quality Assurance: Rigorous testing ensured that the platform met the highest standards of performance and security.
development cycle


The results of our collaboration with Independents.ai were significant and far-reaching. The new platform incorporated advanced features that not only enhanced user experience but also improved operational efficiency. One of the most notable achievements was the creation of a database encompassing 7 million companies. This extensive database allowed Independents.ai to identify market assets aligned with client brand requirements, giving them a competitive edge. The enhanced platform also facilitated better data analytics and reporting, enabling Independents.ai to make more informed strategic decisions. Overall, the improvements brought about by our collaboration have positioned Independents.ai as a leader in their field, driving growth and setting new standards in the industry.

Future Plans

Our partnership with Independents.ai continues, as we currently provide ongoing maintenance services to ensure the platform remains up-to-date and fully functional. Looking ahead, we are excited about the potential for future developments, including the creation of mobile applications aimed at expanding Independents.ai’s reach to a broader audience. This next phase will further enhance the platform's accessibility and user engagement. We are committed to working closely with Independents.ai to implement these new features and innovations, driving continued growth and success for their business. Our team is dedicated to supporting their vision and adapting to emerging trends to keep the platform at the forefront of the industry.

future plan